Sweep someone off their feet
When a dozen roses just isn’t enough, how about six dozen? Wow your beloved with this stunning bouquet which features no fewer than 72 red, pink and white roses in an arrangement that’s sure to make an impression. The ultimate grand romantic gesture.
Our florists will tie this exquisite bouquet by hand using the following ravishing roses:
As always, the roses in this decadent arrangement are the freshest available so that your beloved can enjoy your romantic gift for as long as possible.
Add an extra touch
Make your gesture extra special by including an elegant vase with your order.
Just so you know...
These radiant roses may arrive in bud, but they’ll soon open out once they’re in the warmth of your loved one’s home. Very occasionally, we may need to substitute some of the flowers used, but fear not - every bloom will be just as stunning as you see in these photos.