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Pink Bliss Pink Bliss Pink Bliss Pink Bliss Pink Bliss

Pink Bliss


A long-lasting and charming addition to any part of the home, this bouquet of dried flowers would make a wonderful gift. Lilac Hill flowers sit alongside pretty pink acroclinium and are complimented beautifully by fluffy Bunny Tails, white phleum, white phalaris and white broom blooms.


Our florists assemble this gorgeous bouquet with the following beautiful blooms:


Add an extra touch

Make your gesture extra special by including an elegant vase with your order.

Just so you know...

These flowers will last 1-3 years.
Direct sunlight can cause flowers to fade.
Humidity can cause certain flowers to wilt.
You can remove dust using canned air or a hairdryer on a cool setting.
Do not water.
Do not eat.