A Midsummer night’s dream
Our dreamy Summer Pastels bouquet is a wistful arrangement of roses, santini, antirrhinum and other beautiful blooms in soft pink and lemon. Finished with pink hypericum berries and sprigs of green pistache foliage, this pretty bouquet makes the perfect treat for a summer celebration.
Our florists assemble this gorgeous bouquet with the following flowers and foliage:
3 Chrysanthemum Santini
3 Lemon Germini
3 Pink Hypericum
3 Pink Antirrhinum
4 Pink Roses
1 Yellow Limonium
2 Pistache foliage
Rest assured our brilliant florists will always use the very freshest flowers and foliage available, meaning they’ll adorn the lucky recipient’s home for as long as possible.
Add an extra touch
Make your gesture extra special by including an elegant vase with your order.
Just so you know...
These beautiful flowers may arrive with their buds closed up, but they’ll soon open out once they’re in the warmth of your loved one’s home. Very occasionally, we may need to substitute some of the flowers or foliage, but fear not – every bloom will be just as stunning as you see in these photos.