Sunshine in a bouquet
Nothing says ‘summer’ like a sunflower, and this joyous bouquet has three! These cheery blooms are joined by hot pink roses, sensational blue irises and deep purple santini to create a riot of colour – the perfect way to treat someone you love on special occasions this summer.
Our gorgeous Summer Sun bouquet is arranged by hand, and our lovely florists will use the following fresh flowers and foliage to create it:
3 Sunflowers
2 Purple Santini
2 Blue Iris
2 Cerise Roses
2 Burgundy Antirrhinum
3 Solidago
We want the lucky recipient to enjoy their gorgeous bouquet for as long as possible, so we’ll always use the freshest flowers and foliage available.
Add an extra touch
Make your gesture extra special by including an elegant vase with your order.
Just so you know...
These beautiful flowers may arrive with their buds closed, but they’ll soon open up once they’re in the warmth. Very occasionally, we may need to substitute some of the flowers or foliage, but fear not – every bloom will be just as stunning as those you see in these photos.