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Sunny Days Sunny Days Sunny Days Sunny Days

Sunny Days


A ray of sunshine in a bouquet!

Conjuring up sunny fields filled with sunflowers, our Sunny Days bouquet is the perfect choice for summer birthdays and other special occasions. Six sensational sunflowers take centre stage, with other cheerful bursts of colour added by blooms including orange roses and asclepias and wisps of greenbell. Guaranteed to brighten someone’s day!


Our florists arrange our stunning Sunny Days bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers and foliage:

6 Sunflowers

3 Orange Roses

3 White Lisianthus

3 Viburnum Opulus

3 Craspedia

3 Orange Asclepias

3 Greenbell

It goes without saying that our florists will always pick the freshest stems available for this gorgeous bouquet, so that it can adorn the lucky recipient’s home for as long as possible.


Add an extra touch

Make your gesture extra special by including an elegant vase with your order.

Just so you know...

These beautiful flowers may arrive with their buds closed, but they’ll soon open up once they’re in the warmth. Very occasionally, we may need to substitute some of the flowers or foliage, but fear not – every bloom will be just as stunning as those you see in these photos.